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Why do some breeders use Bengals in SV breeding??....


Savannah Adult
It doesn't seem right to me that some breeders are using Bengals to breed SV's and don't explain that when you go to purchase. I was under the impression that Siamese and Oriental Shorthair were used to breed SV's.


Savannah Adult
Bengals have a different look than SV's. Bengals are short legged, round faced, and vocal. Sv's features are long legged, and narrow faced.

Lori Greer

Cahaba Cats
Hi Liz,

Most breeders are now breeding Savannah to Savannah at this point. Some still use out crosses for the first and sometime second generation cats for a few reasons. First is that when working on producing F1 kittens, a breeder must choose a mate that the Serval likes, that is large enough and hopefully carry the litter to term. Early on many used Bengals for the black spotting and size. Occasionally a breeder will still use an outcross to bring in a feature that they feel they need to add to their line, and some may be using them because they don't have a Savannah mate.

Generally it is a courtesy to be up front about the parents, but often, it is up to the buyer to ask for photos and/or a copy of the pedigree and to ask questions. You can also tell by the registration code. An "A" cat has an outcross for a parent.


Trish Allearz

I'm not sure why a breeder should have to disclose the bloodlines to an average owner unless the owner inquires. Typically, a new owner may ask to see pictures of the parents and maybe possibly pictures of the siblings, but most new owners do not care about the background heritage of their Savannahs- unless they are asking about the Serval in the background.

I'll answer any question someone has about my babies and if I don't know, I'll try to find out by contacting the breeders of my own cats. BUT- I can't be expected to remember to mention it in passing if you aren't interested enough to ask.

And for people wanting breeders? Um- that's YOUR responsibility to ask everything under the sun before bringing a cat with full rights home. Good thing is- a lot of us tend to know the cats from other catteries and what to expect from them :) We're cool like that ;)

Trish Allearz

As to WHY some breeders used Bengals- they obviously had traits that the breeder wanted in their lines- or as Lori mentioned- maybe they thought it'd be easier to cross a larger cat to another large cat. I personally do not outcross, but I entered into this breed at a wonderful time- when there were already enough nice C level cats to start producing SBTs. I've seen some As and some Bs that I've liked (lower gen), but ya know- in the end, I want to produce show level kittens when I produce lower generations. I can't bring a B or C to the show hall, so I have concentrated on producing SBTs only. Of course, now that we are in the show halls, I didn't keep a kitten back of my own to show- grrr! LOL!
I got Abu's papers a couple days ago. Ty Trish. I noticed on them that you have an opportunity to request an additional 3 or 5 generations of information about your cat from TICA. I was just wondering because I was interested in both of the boys lineage (I personally suspect that Abu has some Great Dane in him ;)). Do any of you know what happens if they don't have the amount of information available that you paid for. Do you get reimbursed? I know that information is more sought after by breeders, but curiousity cost the cat 6 lives (but didn't kill him). :)


Savannah Adult
A breeder should disclose all back ground info to the the "average owner", considering... we are the ones who will be spending the next 20+ years with our beloved pets, ... and we are keeping the catteries open by paying a premium for for these pets. I love my 2 F2 boys, I just wish the breeder would have disclosed that they are SV/Bengal.

Trish Allearz

I got Abu's papers a couple days ago. Ty Trish. I noticed on them that you have an opportunity to request an additional 3 or 5 generations of information about your cat from TICA. I was just wondering because I was interested in both of the boys lineage (I personally suspect that Abu has some Great Dane in him ;)). Do any of you know what happens if they don't have the amount of information available that you paid for. Do you get reimbursed? I know that information is more sought after by breeders, but curiousity cost the cat 6 lives (but didn't kill him). :)
You'll get what they have, Rob. For example- you won't get much on Abu's momma's side. JB's Mom was a black and whie domestic shorthair and her Daddy was Dagger...

As far as Liam- unless you want the papers for the heck of paying TICA, I can send you his pedigree so you can look through it :)

Liz- as I pointed out, most pet owners DO NOT CARE within the SV breed in regard to what outcrosses where used to create their particular spotted devil :) If it was an immediate outcross, I am sure the owner would inquire (IE an A generation cat)- but I can tell you out of my SBT kittens (who are all F6s)- I have never had a pet owner too interested in the much earlier outcrosses.


Staff member
A breeder should disclose all back ground info to the the "average owner", considering... we are the ones who will be spending the next 20+ years with our beloved pets, ... and we are keeping the catteries open by paying a premium for for these pets. I love my 2 F2 boys, I just wish the breeder would have disclosed that they are SV/Bengal.
There is probably Bengal blood in 98% of the Savannahs in this world today, since the vast majority of early Savannah breeders started out as Bengal breeders so that's what they had on hand (I only know of one breeder in Germany who has no Bengal in her lines). I'm sure your breeder would have been happy to disclose the outcrosses used in their Savannahs if you had asked.

Trish Allearz

I'm just curious- why do you sound irked that there is Bengal heritage in your cats' background? Is there a specific reason? Yeah- I agree, Bengals are NOT what we want our cats looking like and I was real picky looking for my stud because I thought a lot of SVs (a few years back) looked too Bengal-ish back then. Anyhoo, BUT you purchased F2s... You know what the Momma's basic heritage is and if you saw pics of both Mom and Dad (or better yet, met them)- you should have a good idea what your F2s will develop into as they grow. So do you expect your little ones to end up too Bengalish? You don't see too many Bengal-type F2s- at F1/F2 level, I think for the most part, you typically end up with nice babies due to the Serval heritage still being strong.

Just curious :)