After seeing some posts lately about savannah kittens being sold or given away as early as 7 weeks old, I felt it necessary to start this thread. This is NOT a judgement on anyone who has posted or who has purchased or taken a savannah kitten before 12 weeks. This thread is meant as an educational lesson, if you will...I have used some of what has already been posted below, but everyone - feel free to add to this please.
- Immune systems are not developed at 6-8 weeks of age
- Before 12-14 weeks of age, a single serious bout of something as simple as diarrhea can kill a kitten. Dehydration can kill a kitten. A good chill can kill a kitten. They are so very very fragile up until 12-14 weeks of age.
- At 6 weeks (for example) kittens have just left the nest box about the week before. They are still getting used to the world- still experiencing the world. When left with Momma for the next 6-8 weeks, Momma teaches them everything. It is a very important time development-wise for kittens.
- We currently think that it takes until at least 12 weeks for kittens to have a fully functional immune system which is why it is also recommend at least one vaccine at or after 12 weeks of age as the second vaccine.
- We can't just "fast-track" immunity by giving vaccines earlier and expecting that to give proper protection.
- They learn a lot from their siblings and momma cat, but their personalities also develop along with their confidence. At 12 weeks of age savannah kittens are very outgoing and interested in new things while at 7-8 weeks of age they are more easily worried and stressed.