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Winter bedding


Staff member
Who needs heating blankets or flannel pjs when you have 65 pounds of hot spotted bodies to keep you toasty -- and to hog the blankets and most of the king-size mattress.

winter blankets.jpg


Reincarnated cat Moderator
At least yours will sleep. All mine wanna do is run and jump all over me, forcing me to shut them out of my bedroom, causing me to be cold and grumpy all night.

Pam Flachs

Savannah Super Cat
They sure do keep us toasty and warm! We have not used an electric blanket in years, lol. I sometimes wake up because I am TOO warm...those furry bodies sure put out the heat!

Ours settle right in for the night with no playing...don't know how we got so lucky.

And yes, we have a king-sized bed to accommodate the kids so we don't end up hugging the edge ;)


Reincarnated cat Moderator
Kilifi is a good girl. She would sleep...IF Regie would let her. I'm workin' on him. When he was younger, he would sleep on my feet. Now he attacks them. Kiki will get down off the bed when he starts bein a S... and will walk out the door and look at me as if to say, " I guess I'll see you in the morning, dad..." She is such a good girl.


Staff member
Same here, although I have little beds for everyone to sleep on. My big boy Taj always sleeps right near my legs though and Siri likes to sleep under the covers :p


Staff member
They all start out at my feet. Juba and Taji end up under the covers snuggled against my chest; Maliik sleeps in the crook of my legs; Atticus stays on his blankie until 5 a.m. when he snuggles up to me, usually on top of the 2 under the blankets after which chaos ensues.

SV Dad

Savannah Super Cat
Who needs heating blankets or flannel pjs when you have 65 pounds of hot spotted bodies to keep you toasty -- and to hog the blankets and most of the king-size mattress.
You don't seem to be getting the message....... that is their bed...... (go find your own!)


Animal Communicator
Zeddie snuggles right in usually too. She almost never drives me crazy at night. Love the snuggles

Pam Flachs

Savannah Super Cat
A few of mine have their sleeping spots mapped out. One is at my feet, one between my legs, one on my bladder, and one on my chest. Of course the chest sleeper happens to weigh 18 pounds so he often gets gently pushed away or I will wake up with a back ache. The bladder sleeper gets moved for other reasons, lol. And I usually wait to move them until I am extremely uncomfortable....I so hate to disturb their precious sleep :)


Reincarnated cat Moderator
I am the same, Pam. Hate to disturb them when they are sleeping. ( Wish they had the same attitude about me.)