I'm a first time poster so I really appreciate any insight or experience you can share. My F5 male is 6 months old came down with cloudy eyes 2 weeks ago. After a round of antibiotics, he improved but his energy went downhill and became wobbly. He's been to the pet ER/vet 3 times and has received fluids, is on forced feedings b/c he had stopped eating and finally started eating on his own. In the 2 wk period, though, his energy is extremely low and it has gotten to the point where his muscles wont support him and he keeps collapsing. He is hydrated, has received IV fluids and continues to get syringe water to be sure. Full blood panel came back normal, and treated for toxoplasmosis with clindamycin for the last 48 hours, but no success. He also has in the past bumped into things a lot, which we thought was endearing and harmless. He's going in for a bile acid test tonight, and my fear is FIP, but we've read about kitty strokes as well. The vet/ER (my vet is also an ER place) said to hold off on a neuro visit til we rule out a liver shunt (bile acid test). I'm trying to maintain hope, but am getting really scared about how bad off he is. He just wants to rest in my arms. Please let me know if you have any experience or words of encouragement to share in this tough time. Sorry for the long post...