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Daytona Climbs a Tree


Site Supporter
Do not nuke or cook anything that has bones in it. I am pretty sure that Radcat has ground bone.


Staff member
I found a lot of weird colored stuff in his poop -- I think it maybe was part of a chew toy
Please keep a close eye on him - if you think he's eaten a toy he could have a partial bowel obstruction which would put him off his food, and could eventually progress into a complete bowel obstruction which could potentially be life threatening...


Staff member
Are the whole prey things from Hare Today supplemented?
I don't buy whole prey from hare-today, just chunky meats. If you feed whole prey, you don't have to supplement with vitamins but I still give my cats Mazuri for whole prey diet vitamins 1x - 2x per week. I'm assuming that some vitamin content is lost through freezing so I like to give them a little bit just to be sure they're getting all they need. I get my whole prey from rodentpro.

To warm up food, I put it in zip lock bags, squeeze the air out and soak it in a dish of hot water. I keep the hot water running into the dish for about 1.5 minutes.

Daytona Says What?!

Savannah Super Cat
When did you find the weird colored stuff in his poop? Recently?
Yes, a few days ago. I kept a close eye on him, and he's fine. He's also eating well, as I've been giving him just the Stella's.

I watch the toys and make sure that if they start to fall apart I take them away. But a few days ago, I think the reason for stuff in his poop, he opened the door to the closet where I keep his toys when I was out and went to town. The teaser type of things that are easy to destroy and come apart were probably what be ate some of. I've relocated his toys to a place where he can't get to them.