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Dexter's Biopsy Results


Savannah Super Cat
Thanks Patti and Brigitte for your input.

I was feeling the same way; the terminology sounded a bit contradictory to me. I called the vet a second time yesterday for clarification. The way he explained it to me was that cancers can behave in a benign way, in that some types do not spread or metastasize interally. I worked in human medicine (different from veterinary, yes) for almost a decade; we dealt with a lot of types of cancers and they weren't ever described as being benign, even if they were only relatively harmless local lesions of the type that did not spread internally or metastasize. So herein lies my confusion.

His description of the mass itself was a low-grade soft tissue sarcoma and he added "these masses are benign in cats". The actual pathology report showed that it came back as a peripheral nerve sheath tumor - he said the human equivalent would be something called a 'Schwannoma' tumour, which is a benign tumor.

SV Dad

Savannah Super Cat
Ok. I know what a schwannoma is. And I know somebody who had one removed 5 years ago and so far no reoccurrence.
Yeah the are very rare.
As I said, keep an eye on it, but no need to lose sleep.
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Savannah Super Cat
Hey SV Dad,

I think you're right; going to be diligent and keep an eye but try not to fixate on the diagnosis. All that matters is that it's not an invasive/metastatic tumor and that we had clean margins. Quite a scare the last couple days!


Staff member
Still a bit freaked out by this ordeal but overall I think we did get the best possible outcome.
You are entitled to worry as much and as long as you need. If this happened to one of my cats, I'd worry too no matter how "benign" the tumor. Your brain heard "cancer" and you had a normal panic reaction and experienced shock and fear and it isn't easy to just turn off the worry switch even with a good outcome. As time passes you'll feel more secure about Dexter's health but I can certainly understand if you feel compelled to check that paw daily for the next 20 years. Now try to relax for a bit and maybe use Witchy's Magic Elixir to take the edge off:
2 1/2 ounces vodka or gin
1/2 ounce dry vermouth
1/2 ounce olive juice
dash of angostura bitters
Mix all those liquids in your cauldron of choice and add 4 giant green olives.


Savannah Super Cat
Thank you so much Witchy! You nailed exactly how I feel and although we had a great outcome, hearing "cancer" is not what I expected. I might just need a very stiff Magic Elixir!!! :ROFLMAO: