Savannah Cat Chat - THE Place for Savannah Cat Talk

Welcome to the Savannah Cat Chat Forum! Our forum has been in existence since 2012 and is the only one of its kind. We were here, serving the savannah cat community before Facebook and Instagram! Register for a free account today to become a member! Please use an email program other than Hotmail, since Hotmail accounts are blacklisted by many servers and ISP's. Once signed in, you'll be able to participate on this site in some of the forums by adding your own topics and posts. But in order to take advantage of the full features, such as a private inbox as well as connect with other members ad access some of the larger topics, a donation of $2.99/mo or $25/yr is requested. This will allow us to continue running this forum!

Does Your Cat...


MK Anderson

  • Follow you from room to room? Yes
  • Sit in front of your computer monitor when you are trying to work? Always
  • Stick his/her paws in the water as you are washing dishes? And then stick head under faucet and drink from it? Yes
  • jump in the dishwasher just as you are emptying it? Sometimes
  • Start playing on top of you in the middle of the night? No
  • Jump from the catwalk (if you have one) and land on top of you in the middle of the night? No
  • Hound you relentlessly to play? Yes
  • Wait by the door for you to come home? Yes
  • Greet you with many headbutts? Always
  • Give you stink eye when he/she doesn't agree with you? No, this is when he pouts
  • Jump in a cardboard box and terrorize it? Yes
  • Turn upside down and all around for attention? Yes
  • Howl for attention? Yes
  • Kick you with bunny kicks? Yes
  • Loves you and wants to be near you always but doesn't exactly like being held? Yes and he LOVES to be in my lap all the time <sigh>
Then you are the lucky owner of a Savannah!!! I'm sure other cats fit this description, but some are unique to our beloved breed. can you come up with more?
Along why most of these......Keeba will turn the light switch off and on by the computer, if walking in front of it doesn't work. Also, he is a big pouter, he will bury his whole body into me with head and eyes buried in my chest! He will do it at the vets office too after he has had his temp taken, lol. Love, love, love this Boy :)


Savannah Super Cat
Is your cat insane?
Do they Io matrix like moves of your walls and couch?

Lol my ones a bit hyper.


Oooooooh. I'm so looking forward to 95% of that list!"giggle:

That other 5% is when you will think to yourself "omg what have I done... bringing this terror into my home?!?"

But the good outweighs the bad by far..... very much so :)


Nailah has a foot fetish. When I get home, after the headbutts (I adore these headbutts more than I could have ever known), she shoves her head into my feet and rubs her nose and face into it and acts like a cat smelling cat nip! She does it to guests feet too! It's so funny! And then she stops and looks up at you with "stink face." You all know what I am talking about! Lol

Nailah too will occasionally grab a mouthful of hair and yank! Ouch!

I'm lucky tho, when the lights go out she sleeps undisturbed next to me on a pillow ALL night (I think I rustle more than her) until my alarm goes off. Then she headbutts me and purrs more and more frequently until I wake up. THE BEST snooze in the world! I don't wake up grouchy anymore. Who would have thought the simple cure to the morning grouchies would be a purring headbutting savannah.


Savannah Super Cat
Razi sticks his nose in my armpit from behind while I am on the computer over and over again until I have to get up and play with him.


Staff member
drag dirty undies all over the house; rearrange all the throw rugs; hurl themselves at your feet because they like to watch you trip; turn faucets on to play in water; look right at you when they're doing something verboten and dare you to stop them....