Savannah Cat Chat - THE Place for Savannah Cat Talk

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F3 Male Wanted for Early 2015


Savannah Kitten

I am looking for a male F3 Savannah to bring into my family to provide a good home in early 2015. I have spoken to a couple of really nice breeders and they said they might have some F3 kittens available in the new year but of course cannot make any guarantees at this point. I live in Northern VA and we currently have a very friendly and energetic 4-year old tabby cat that hopefully will act as a great big brother. We are setting up a room with a large cat tree and a window overlooking the man-made lake in our apartment complex. This can be the cats' sanctuary although we want them to spend as much time with us as possible. We do not plan to breed and we would not de-claw the animal.

Please reach out to me if you are expecting to have an F3 litter available in early 2015. I also welcome any beginner tips and love to hear breeder experiences they have had with these cats over the years.

Thank you,