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Kitoko & friends


Savannah Super Cat
Hi everyone, I seem to only post when I am worried about something so I thought I would update on some positive stuff! Things are going pretty well. The cats seem to have found their places in the pack and mostly seem to enjoy each others company. Toke's has been using the trays or going outdoors in the enclosure apart from the day before yesterday when I could clearly see her looking for somewhere to go and I caught her mid flow on a cat bed! I have not rushed to the vet as the peeing stopped but she is booked to go on 1st Sept as my vet is back off holiday then. Moses needs his jabs and as Toke's loves him I thought it might be a good idea to take her too. The vet is five mins away from my house - I hope she won't get to stressed and that it won't put her back at all.
I took my foster daughter to the zoo yesterday, she had never been before, I was hoping to show her a Serval but although they had a lovely enclosure ready and waiting for a male and female, they hadn't arrived yet! We did see Cheetah's and Snow leopards - it was a nice day. My mum came up to sit with the furry ones and Kitoko was so good - she played with my mum and was also happy to jump in her carrier to come in from the enclosure.
Although not overly keen on being touched still, Kitoko is affectionate on her terms. She sleeps on my bed, which does make me a little nervous! She has also started to hop on my back if I am kneeling down to do something and starts to pull my hair?! Does anyone know why she might do this? I have to say she has not scratched or bitten since we had her and although the hair pulling seems rough she doesn't hurt me.
Still haven't worked out how to make my photos small enough to post. The ones I take with my phone are no problem.. I will add one of Morris
In the enclosure playing with Toke's.


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Staff member
I'm glad to hear everyone is getting along so well. I would not worry too much about the peeing on the cat bed - I have yet to have a cat bed in my home that has not been peed on. Remind me - has she been altered already? That might make a difference.

As for the hair pulling, in my experience that is because your shampoo or rinse smells so yummy to her. Not much you can really do about that unless you're willing to try other hair products...


Savannah Super Cat
Hi Patti, thanks and in that case I will stop worrying about the odd pee on a cat bed!

If you remember Kitoko was sold as a breeder and so I know to expect this behaviour. I will rule out any health issues with my vet next week and see how she develops over the next few months before I decide about that. If I'm honest I don't know if its the right thing for her but then she is still a baby herself.

As for my hair - I guess I'll take my chances! Lol :)


Site Supporter
Rafiki loves the smell of my husband's deodorant. If you think having a cat want to pull your hair is bad, try one that wants to lick armpits! :sick:


Staff member
Sorry, I had forgotten that you had talked about breeding her. Not really surprising behavior then...

Brigitte Cowell

Staff member
I'm like Patti, there are so many people's kitties and individual situations it's not always easy to remember who is intending to breed a kitten and not alter it. That definitely explains peeing issues... and likely will continue as she matures.

The biting at hair definitely seems increased with certain hair products...


Savannah Super Cat
Thankfully my deodorant doesn't seem to appeal to her!!

I have stocked up on Feliway, cat attract and sand like litter! I read that cats who house soil don't tend to cover their pee or poo - That is Kitoko. Also that any upset that causes a kitten to not use its tray in the early weeks are likely to go on to have issues - again this is her. I am trying to do as much as I can to discourage it and for the moment its manageable. My main worry is that if she is peeing where she shouldn't she must be stressed and I don't want her to feel that way. Thanks again for the advice.


Staff member
Unless this has been going on since you first brought her home I really think this is more hormonal than stress. You have an intact female - she's going to mark. She may not spray up the wall, or she may start doing that as well, but she's basically marking out her territory and letting the boys (wherever they are...) know that she's available.

On the other hand, if this is a behavior that has been going on since day one then I would recommend you contact Marilyn Krieger, the Cat Coach for further advice on how to help eliminate the elimination issue:


Savannah Super Cat
Hi Patti, yes randomly since she got here and I believe it is stress related. I will contact Marilyn. I believe you suggested doing this before and its the only thing I haven't pursued yet. I did have Kristen speak to her though! Vet next week to! I will let you know how I get on..