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Lotto says "Mom, I'm bored"


Staff member
If you want to clicker train I think you need to find something that motivates him as a reward, whether it be the freeze dried treats, or a scratch under the chin.

John Popp

Site Supporter
Oh man, once the stuffing starts coming out of a toy that's when it's really game on. Growling, snarling daring the other cats to pick it up and running away before anyone can steal it from them. When Chongo or Monte do that it's simply hilarious and they will kind of engage us to play fetch with them despite their real effort being to keep the toy away from us. Conversely, those slimy shredded animal hides are what always seems to be left as gifts once the stuffing is pulled from them.

Brigitte Cowell

Staff member
I like the idea about clicker training - but have a question... He doesn't get excited about food enough to use it as treats (he's really picky - outside of kitty food, all he will eat is mango juice, a little ccoconut, and a few pieces of freeze dried chicken. And he prefers them on his own time and does not go crazy for anything - for example, he has no interest in puzzle toys because the treats inside don't excite him). Is it possible to do clicker training without food for rewards?

Thanks again for the replies!


I don't know, I have the same issue with many of mine, food just isn't the biggest motivator. If your cats get free-fed kibble maybe restricting the bowl to twice daily would mean just before mealtimes he was more motivated by those pieces of freeze-dried chicken?

I think you can use praise and petting for long as your cat responds. I am no expert on clicker training though... you will need to do some research I think!


Site Supporter
Thank you guys for all the advice and links. I'll definitely check out the clicker training group. Since food is not a motivator, I'll try the rubs. Unfortunately, I may have to work on my 'rationing' outside of training, as I'm a bit of a "spoiling mom" when it comes to giving the cats attention. I think they may get more attention from me than they want :in love:

It does stink (worse than a litter box) living in a place that restricts the number of was one of the 'surprises' we encountered after moving in. Most of the people here have bigger dogs, so maybe that was the reasoning. And since we live against a national park and BLM land, it's always interesting walking the cats, as most people ignore the leash law and let their dogs run wild. I wish there were a few more cat lovers here :(

Anyhow, today Lotto got up and was 'feisty' again - running around and playing with all kinds of things. I guess it's possible that he's just growing up. I think of what a holy terror he was when he was a kitten....but by 6 months, he had already stopped jumping for most toys other than da bird, and given up playing fetch....and he never really tore anything up. Now, he's just gotten a LOT more loving. As a kitten, he wouldn't tolerate more than 5-10 seconds of love. Now he will bump and bump and make biscuits, and purr, and follow me around - and he tolerates pretty much anything (pick him up and 'tour' the house, spin him on our office chair, extended loving sessions) . So perhaps he really is just in his 'terrible teens'.

None-the-less, the clicker training sounds like fun. He's still enough of a smarty pants that he may look at me like "ha ha! look who's trying to be the boss here!" :p


Staff member
One of my F2s stopped playing with toys from age 2.5 to 4 yrs. and then he started again. He's really picky about what he'll play with and when. My other 4 yr old and my 3 yr old still love toys. For all three, their favorite thing is to chase each other and wrestle with each other. Lotto may not be bored, just changing as he matures.


Staff member
I've never had a cat stop being interested in wand toys or a laser light, although many lose interest in chasing balls after awhile it seems. Lotto sounds like a real love - I'm glad he perked up for you today :up:

Diane & Zeus

Savannah Adult
I'm recently noticing this myself and he has a new cat friend to play with. It's been amazing that there are no fights or territorial things, they co-excist and sometimes play. but new guy is younger and more playful so he outplays Zeus. now even Zeus's favorite toys ever don't really get him excited. I'm looking into clicker training and once weather is better attempt walking outside. This will give Zeus one on one time with me and get him engaged. I would love any tips from other owners about clicker training and outdoor walking. think I'll get a clicker with a pointer and Cat Training in 10 minutes book.


Staff member
I have noticed the same thing, however, the frolic laser toys seem to perk everyone is difficult as the weather is cold here now and Taj will not go out, so he sleeps most of the day...Orion is here for a few more weeks and he plays, but he is a very calm boy and loves playing with the other savannahs in the house...

I clicker trained Taj and it was so much fun! I taught him to run a mini agility course I set up in my house...

The other thing you can do is buy some puzzle toys for dogs that hide treats and let the cats figure out how to find the treats...that usually engages them totally...I ahve the following:


Savannah Super Cat
Help! My 5 month Savannah kitten is bored, too. I work from 8-4, and when I get home we play chase, and fetch, and I've clicker-trained him to do a few tricks (jump, sit, give me five, up), but that doesn't change the fact that the second I stop giving him undivided attention, he starts going crazy. Last night, for example, I was talking with my sister online, and he knocked a tall lamp over onto my laptop, just because it was there. Also, now that the weather isn't as nice I can't take him outside as much, he'll sit at the door and meow like his heart is breaking. Any ideas?

... oh, and he's incredibly smart. If they're not blocked shut, he gets into my cabinets and closets, and shreds my toilet paper (which is now locked up) ... and any toys with stuffing he just chews on, rips open and pulls the stuffing out.

I know he's just bored after being alone for so long ... but ... getting another cat really isn't an option at this point, since I have an apartment.