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My f3 male Savannah, 9 months, is sick with upset stomach


Site Supporter
Only on this forum would I ever ask this question: :oops: How were his stools? Normal in color?

I am thinking that most rat poisons cause internal bleeding so his stools would be dark and tarry. I am hoping that this is not the case and that there is one more reason to rule out poison. Does anyone know if vitamin K shots would be part of the antidote to warfarin?


Savannah Adult
Well, his stool this morning was like always was, very hard because of his diet but just a little tiny bit softer because of the Lactuose that the vet gave me. Nothing I wouldn't expect but you make a good point. There is something else here going on hard to figure out with Jasper.
The latest good news is that I gave him a warn "bath", just around his neck and chest to clean up the food residue on his fur and dried him with the hair drier and after that, Jasper took the initiative to clean himself for the first time after all this happened and he tried to eat a little tiny piece of deer meat, so I'm hoping this is a huge improvement, baby steps, that's all I can hope for. Thank you!

Brigitte Cowell

Staff member
Do you know what the pills the vet gave you to increase appetite? Cyproheptadine, mirtazapine? Both are good ones. I might wonder if he is showing signs of nausea that something like Pepcid AC (1/4 tablet I think is the correct dose but ask your vet) might be a harmless but good idea to help settle his tummy.


Savannah Adult
I just called the doctor to ask about your suggestion and she agreed on giving him Pepcid ac 5 mg that I already ordered on Amazon, so thank you for that!
Cyproheptadine is what she gave me to do increase appetite.
Hope all this helps someone on my situation. Thank you again!

Brigitte Cowell

Staff member
You could get the Pepcid at your local drugstore to be giving sooner, unless the Amazon is one day delivery... its OTC... hope it helps him.


Savannah Adult
You could get the Pepcid at your local drugstore to be giving sooner, unless the Amazon is one day delivery... its OTC... hope it helps him.
One day delivery, I love Amazon. I would go to a local drugstore but I live in a farm far away from it.
I pray to God for it to work, his sad beautiful face brakes my heart.
Than you!


Savannah Adult
Rafiki was on the 1/4 pill of Pepcid for a while. She wasn't throwing up but it did settle her stomach.
A 1/4 pill would be like 5mg?. I used to have heartburn when I was pregnant with my twins and my obstetrician gave those kind of pills and helped me a lot, I'm not comparing myself to a feline but the discomfort I guess. Really hope this help. Thank you!

Brigitte Cowell

Staff member
One day delivery, I love Amazon. I would go to a local drugstore but I live in a farm far away from it.
I pray to God for it to work, his sad beautiful face brakes my heart.
Than you!
Great! Hope it helps him. I would also try the chicken baby food if you can source it... it really has worked for me for some very sick cats over the years that wouldn't touch anything else...


Staff member
Does anyone know if vitamin K shots would be part of the antidote to warfarin?
Vitamin K is one of the antidotes to warfarin (the other being fresh frozen plasma) and according to Cornell the initial dose is 2.2mg/kg followed by 1.1mg/kg every 12 hours until bleeding stops, which seems like a whooping dose since the human dose is 5-10mg (total) to reverse warfarin.