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savannah kitten

Pam Flachs

Savannah Super Cat
Yes, I agree about relaxing! You are excited (as you should be) to have your kitten home. Don't push him to interact with you as that may have the opposite effect. And don't be afraid to give him more than two weeks to acclimate to you and your home. There is no hard and fast rule on how soon a kitten will become comfortable. Some may only take a few days (but still should stay in the quarantine time frame per your kitten contract) and others may take a few weeks...have you asked the breeder for some additional advice? He or she would know his personality best....and don't worry if he doesn't "talk" too much. Not all Savannahs are talkers...that can be a blessing over the ones who never shut up ;)

I also recommend reading and downloading for reference Deborah's (WitchyWoman) excellent article...the Demon under the Bed.

Keep us posted on how Stark is doing. I expect he will come around when he is ready :)


Thanks. I have read that article before. We do not push him, and we are very patient and we take the cues from him. My bengal was a chatterbox lol. so thats probably why I find it odd that hes quiet, but as you said some are quiet and some are not. Breeder had said he was shy so I know he will take time, but she wasnt too happy with my many questions. So I prefer not to deal with her anymore. I know its shyness and nothing else, but she said her schedule did not lend to daily questions and so I will do this my way. I am not new to having kittens. My bengal that passed away was fine quite fast, so this is why I ask questions for everyone here as it helps us know what we should or should not be doing. I appreciate all this input, as it has helped me so much already