Savannah Cat Chat - THE Place for Savannah Cat Talk

Welcome to the Savannah Cat Chat Forum! Our forum has been in existence since 2012 and is the only one of its kind. We were here, serving the savannah cat community before Facebook and Instagram! Register for a free account today to become a member! Please use an email program other than Hotmail, since Hotmail accounts are blacklisted by many servers and ISP's. Once signed in, you'll be able to participate on this site in some of the forums by adding your own topics and posts. But in order to take advantage of the full features, such as a private inbox as well as connect with other members ad access some of the larger topics, a donation of $2.99/mo or $25/yr is requested. This will allow us to continue running this forum!

URGENT - Please Fill out this Survey to Save our Pets!!!!


Site Supporter
Hi paige. Got your email today about the survey. I would love to help but I have yet to live with a savannah. Although I do own one! If this crap is still going on in Sept after I have him,,I'll be glad to fill one out.


Staff member
Hi paige. Got your email today about the survey. I would love to help but I have yet to live with a savannah. Although I do own one! If this crap is still going on in Sept after I have him,,I'll be glad to fill one out.
Thanks so much Ambro!

Little Joe

Savannah Adult
What sort of legislation is currently being pushed through that warrants such an immediate call to action? I'm sure someone with a pen and a little too much pull is currently shooting from the hip, trying to ban breeds they have no experience with (beyond the beloved "Jezebel" article). I'm just curious as to where this is coming from. Any links etc...?


Site Supporter
Hi Little Joe. California is the latest state to consider banning Savannahs, Bengals and Chausies. The Animal League Defense Fund and Big Cat Rescue are the ones pushing it. They wrote a petition to the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) who will review it in August.

West Virginia just wrote a nasty piece of crap regulation banning the ownership of "Dangerous Animals". It was approved without a list of animals. The list is now out and it includes Savannahs as well as dangerous animals like rabbits, sheep, turtles and sugar gliders (I kid you not!). If this is not over turned, owners would need to pay $100/animal/year and carry $300,000 of personal liability insurance. One person received a quote of $700/year for her 2 sugar gliders.