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Door Darting


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Up until now I have had cardboard blocking the halls to the doors. I swear that Smooch has teleporting abilities. Every single cat I have ever had all of my life would run and hide if the door opened. Any advice on how to prevent this would be greatly appreciated.


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Lately our SPOILED F2 B has taken up the art of Door Darting but only when your hands and full and he knows your easy pickin and can pull it off , late july I went to clean the pond in the cats enclosure because they drink from it and Casey darted up the closest big tree when I opened the door with full hands, he gets treats and a lot of attention and a big outdoor enclosure with pond , logs ,toys Savannah buddys, but it's the wild side in him that makes him like he is, He is what he is and me and Ellie love him , it's hard to stay mad at them no matter what they do . DSCN0899.JPG


Staff member
The 'trick' I have heard that works best is have someone on the other side of the door with a leaf blower (or similar) and turn it on as soon as, and each time they poke their nose over the threshold. Alternatively, I have personally found that once I offered them access to an outdoor enclosure in the back yard they were much less interested in bolting out the front door.


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Leo is always a bit wary but Smooch is convinced that there is a great adventure waiting behind any closed door. The more I shoo her the more determined she gets. They have access to an enclosed screen porch but that doesn't seem to help. Any loud noise and Leo runs for the hills, while Smooch runs AT the noise. She yells at the vacuum cleaner while it's running.

My entire house is a kitty playground with new adventures (mountains of packing paper, cardboard boxes, cat trees, condos, scratching posts, battery operated interactive toys, and many tunnels of varying sizes and materials) switched out each day. We spend hours running them with teaser toys which they love above all else except maybe when a moth gets in the screen porch, poor moth.

I will try the loud noise thing and see if that discourages her.