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Too picky for Mazuri now?? He needs a new vitamin!

The Birds

Savannah Super Cat
My F1 used to like his food with Mazuri on it, now he avoids it completely! He's always been picky, and won't eat much besides raw boneless chicken :/
Is there another vitamin out there for picky eaters like him?
In the mean time, I'm making sure he gets some vitamins by intermittently feeding him the Stella and Chewy freeze dried food, but it's way too expensive to do that every day.
In the past he liked chicken hearts and salmon, but these days he won't eat those either. Also I've tried blending his food in the food processor, but he hates the consistency of pate. He likes it to have bites :/
Thank you!


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I had to stop using Mazuri because one of my cats has a chicken allergy and that is what is used to flavor it so we switched to Kitty Bloom. Does you cat like cheese by any chance? That is what KB uses as flavor. If he is eating raw boneless chicken, he needs a lot of supplements including taurine, calcium, etc. etc. etc. that are not found in chicken muscle meat.

The Birds

Savannah Super Cat
Thanks, I'll look this stuff up... I know it's really important that I get him a new vitamin right away...
He's not especially into cheese but who knows!

The Birds

Savannah Super Cat
Those both look good. I'll probably have to buy more than one just to find one he likes. I like that they sell a trial size.