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Activity Level and Claw Care


Savannah Child
Hello everyone, my F4 male Savannah is 20 weeks old. His energy level is very high which is to be expected. He's getting neutered this Monday. Can anyone comment on a Savannah's energy level after they are neutered and as they get older? Also, does anyone have suggestions on what they do to keep up with trimming their Savannah's nails? It's very difficult for me to trim Zee Zee's nails. I'm considering taking him into the vet tech when needed but this is a little costly. Any suggestions and/or comments are greatly appreciated.

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Site Supporter
I have a 5-month-old F2 who does not like his nails done. I've found that if I play him hard and then give him fresh chicken, he goes to sleep so soundly he doesn't care what I do. In a normal state I can barely do one.


Savannah Adult
I do it after lots of play while he is sleeping, he is so tired he does not care. We had our guy neutered 1 month ago and he is still very very active.

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John Popp

Site Supporter
Our boys are a two person job but they get done every Saturday morning.

As for activity level after neutering, we saw no difference after the procedure.


Staff member
Activity level should not change after neutering (I doubt the surgery itself will slow him down at all), but typically as Savannahs mature over the years they do tend to slow down a little bit ;)


Site Supporter
Cody is a F3 that has huge claws and he likes to spend his days outside so he see's a Vet or a tech once a month for flea meds and because he is hard to handle I pay for the meds and the pro's but it on him, no charge and at the same time trim his hooks at no charge Cody is play full but it is dangerous to play with him lf he has a full set of front nails, first pic is this months trim at play.I am friends with the Vet now and she comes to my house now but when we first met a 4 foot nail trim was $12. if your Vet wants much more take Rafiki's advice and use a groomer . DSCN2706.JPG DSCN2144.JPG DSCN2145.JPG


Savannah Super Cat
i don't have a problem cutting my cats nails but wondering what does the vet or groomer do ? my friend had a big dog they put him in this thing that holds him up and he can't really move is that what happens to the cats also? if not how do they do it ?