Savannah Cat Chat - THE Place for Savannah Cat Talk

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Advice on Driving with a Savannah Cat

Trish Allearz

Oh not howling!!! NOT HOWLING!!! LOL.

We haven't had howlers, but let me tell you- a looong drive with a constant meower can drive you bonkers. You are braver then me!

Thank goodness, our crew meows for a bit and then settles. Cole- I am bad- I let him out because he just goes and finds a place to 'make like a rug' and he sleeps the ride away.


Staff member
LOL, Trish...she howled all the way to Philly and all the way back...I am hoping she will calm down somehow and sleep the entire way...

Brigitte Cowell

Staff member
Take plenty of music you would enjoy playing loud...then if she whines all the way just turn up the volume to drown her out! Works with most cats... I have only ever experienced one cat that that didn't work with!


Staff member
Take plenty of music you would enjoy playing loud...then if she whines all the way just turn up the volume to drown her out! Works with most cats... I have only ever experienced one cat that that didn't work with!

Thanks B for all the great advice...I didn't think of that...I usually turn it down because I can't stand to listen to her and the music - gives me a headache...but if I drown her out, that will work ;)


Staff member
LOL Deborah!!! I am getting so stressed out just thinking about it....strapping her to the roof sounds good right about now ;)