Savannah Cat Chat - THE Place for Savannah Cat Talk

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Alternative to RAW diet


Staff member
Thanks Arline..the one thing I have noticed since she started eating whole prey is that Taj cannot get near her when she is eating...she growls and hisses and smacks him. Poor guy!!! he doesn't like any of it, so just walks away...I usually feed her in the bathroom, as you can see...


Staff member
Well if we have any closeted AR folks here, they're probably breathing into a paper bag right about now:roflmao: I enjoy when mine play with their food but I don't enjoy climbing a ladder to wash bloody bits off the walls. My boyz like to hurl their food waaay up high.....


Staff member
Well if we have any closeted AR folks here, they're probably breathing into a paper bag right about now:roflmao: I enjoy when mine play with their food but I don't enjoy climbing a ladder to wash bloody bits off the walls. My boyz like to hurl their food waaay up high.....

Yep, she does that as well!!! Just didn't put it on a video ;) She now has a plastic mat she eats on and I wash the floor everyday...