Savannah Cat Chat - THE Place for Savannah Cat Talk

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jungle boy

Savannah Super Cat
Humans who can't abide by scratched/damaged furniture should find another companion animal that doesn't cause damage. That is harmony. Mutilating an animal for the convenience of the owner is inexcusable and disharmonious with nature. I realize that this is a polarizing subject, but there is no rhetoric that justifies declawing.

Well said Deborah! It takes a courageous human to speak up for those innocents who have no voice of their own! ;)


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I agree Deborah, as we know all clawed cats scratch and declawed cats try to, I have found out that if you find the right scratching post for your cat they will leave the furniture alone, one of the first things I hear in the morning is our female SV ripping at her favorite post. In Italy it is illegal to declaw a cat, the worst thing for a cat is a impulse buyer ! Declawing is not a simple fix.


Savannah Super Cat
I had seen cat claw covers mentioned as an alternative on a contract I had read. what are your opinions on cat claw covers? Couldn't they Harbour bacteria that could harm the cats claws? kind of like acrylic nails if worn too long and get moisture in the nail bed can lead to fungus (which is why I don't wear them) couldn't that harm the cat? Wouldn't trimming and possibly filing be a good alternative?(i trim and then file my rabbits nails they only scratch whn their nails are grown out, also just filed my hedgehogs nails instead of trimming when he was still with us).I was also told scratching posts could actually sharpen their nails is this correct?

"Those who wander aren't always lost"


Savannah Super Cat
I used to use the claw covers. One of my cats chewed them off incessantly. I discovered that since you have to trim their nails for the caps anyway, just trimming worked just as well without the added stress to the cat of having a foreign object on her toes.


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I tried soft paws. My cat didn't like them. He would just pull them off.
We trim nails every other week. Two of my three boys don't mind at all, they lay in my lap and purr while I do it because they know they are about to get treats.
The third one took a while (he doesn't like having his paws handled), and he still does not enjoy it, but he also does not fight at all, just gives me a dirty look.


Savannah Super Cat
well if they are uncomfortable then I wouldn't want to waste my money. I think I could calm em down although both seem used to nail trimming. What happens if they eat them couldn't that cause a blockage then?

"Those who wander aren't always lost"