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Is Kidney Disease prevalent in Savannahs?


Savannah Kitten
Java our female F5 passed quickly a year and 6 months to the date due to kidney disease. She was 10 years old. Our male F4 Savannah Tau became sick on November 16th 2023. He was 11 years old. The vet said he had a UTI which was odd. Our savannahs have never been sick.They drank reverse osmosis water and have an alternating raw and Orijen dry diet. The vet put Tau on antibiotics and within days he was back at the vet looking very sick and not eating. He lost 10lbs in a weeks time. The other vet ran all the same tests but said he had Stage 2 Kidney disease. We did everything from subcutaneous fluids and full day IVs. He wasn't getting better. On Wednesday the night before Thanksgiving Tau crossed the rainbow bridge. I am still in disbelief how fast Kidney disease deteriorated our savannahs. I recall our breeder saying our savannahs should live 20 -25 years. I guess I was holding on to that idea that they would be with us for that long. I have tried to reach out to our breeder to see if this is a genetic thing but they are no longer breeding. their website and their number is disconnected. I appreciate any input to know if Kidney disease is prevalent in Savannahs? Thank you.


Site Supporter
Im not by any means a Savannah expert, though I do live with 3 of them, as far as kidney disease goes, I don’t think it’s any more prevalent in savannah’s than it is in other breeds, there are experts on this forum who I hope can shed more light on the subject.
As for life span, I’ve always been led to believe it can be up to 20 years, I’ve never known of a savannah exceeding that if I’m honest.
im so very sorry that you’ve had to go through it all over again. I’m saddened by your news of Tau, condolences to you all.


Savannah Super Cat
we lost 2 burmese one at 12 at 13 years and a bengal at 17 all had kidney disease.its the most heartbreaking thing to see your treasures go downhill this vito says i think its something that happens in all breeds.


Savannah Kitten
Akira, I am sorry you had to lose so many amazing furry family to kidney disease. It's absolutely heart breaking to see them deteriorate so fast. I wish it upon no one to go through this. I am surprised all these pharmaceutical companies haven't looked into curing kidney disease in cats since its a chronic issue.


Savannah Super Cat
thanks for your kind words.i believe that cats or any animals are just like us humans .some families carry genes ,inherit health issues that is no fault of their own.i also think the drug companies do have medicines/treatment but they dont tell you.could be a money thing but we give our beloved animals the best life we can and you can see it in their eyes that they love and appreciate every day you are with them right to the end.. take care


Savannah Kitten
You're welcome. I was thinking that too. I even reached out to our breeder when we lost Java our F5 last year to inform them about the Kidney Disease thinking it maybe genetic. When we lost Tau I reached out again and found the breeder has shut down operations. It could be genetic or it could be a money thing. I know we gave Java and Tau the best life possible. We spoiled them daily with tons of love, clean food, and reverse osmosis water. Have a Merry Christmas!


Savannah Super Cat
yes your right .we do our best by them .i miss them all and they all had the best life possible.have a merry christmas too