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Legal Breeder/Buyer Contract Issues

Brigitte Cowell

Staff member
I am so sorry about the heart murmur in the replacement kitten, Elizabeth.... that is so hard to deal with after losing one pet :-(

I hope it truly is one of those murmurs a kitten grows out of. Even if it decreases in magnitude, my recommendation would be to have a cardiologist do an ultrasound at 6 months of age to be absolutely sure, so you can relax and enjoy your pet.

I agree with Patti, it has come up many times in our breed do we act as "Savannah Police"? Who makes the decision, who gives ratings and how do you decide how honest those reviews are? Some breeders would offer incentives to buyers to give good reviews (or to friends and family members) and a disgruntled buyer could lie and make the review worse than the issue. A review system might even promote a large scale breeder (some term that a kitty mill) over a quality small-scale breeder that doesn't produce as many kittens. And then a larger breeder is more likely to pursue a slander lawsuit against a group that allows such a review system... it's much more complicated than it seems.


Savannah Teenager
The website I was referring to is,

There are pitfalls with the website, but it would protect the breed. There's increasingly more interest in savannahs. With that, there is going to be a lot more upcoming irresponsible breeders only looking for a quick buck. One main priority should be to improve the genetic stock. Monitoring breeders is not going be a solution to the problem, but it will help.

Yelp, and ebay lets customers leave reviews of the seller. Have they been sued before? Also on fauna, as a breeder, you have to pay $25 for the year to get the privilege to post in the classifieds. Giving breeders more advertising, on one site. While paying moderators for their time, and commitment. Maybe we can prove an actual customer by showing a receipt from pay pal. The customer in turn would only be allowed to vote once, and leave a comment about the breeder. The 1 vote allowed would be monitored through an I.P. address.

As tough as it is, savannahs are amazing animals. The deserve the best.