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Oni's big adventure!


Eddies a ham!
AM I A BAD OWNER? I have taught my kitties:cat: "stay away from the door" not only with noise makers for getting close to it (automated motion detectors) but also by teaching George :dog:(Mastiff) to guard the door; he growls if the cats or pug try to go around him to get to the doortri cool:. George also growls for treats, howls for an ice cream cone....he is all around a very vocal guy. He has caught Eddie twice attempting his :ninja:ninja style attack at the door...Eddie does not appreciate the drool:p that comes along with being carried about by a Mastiff but he did get out once last summer:sneaky:... fortunately George only "spits it out" on command:big Mastiffs are fun, I once came home to a neighbor kid eating lunch in my kitchen, he says "I just came in thinking you didn't hear me knock and he wouldn't let me out":dog:. I asked "How long have you been in here?", "Oh about 2 hours now...":lol:. Apparently George will accept treats from anyone in the house, play as much as they want to but he never forgets to "guard the door"... at least he wasn't carrying the poor kid around."giggle:

Brigitte Cowell

Staff member
Wow! That's a lot of stress and anxiety to come home to....very very glad it had a happy ending and Oni is safe. What a trooper your wife is to roam the neighborhood after her too!


Staff member
Wow Chris, glad Oni came home quickly! Poor Caroline...and yes, Brigitte is right - that is a lot of stress to come happy it worked out ok.


Staff member
These darned cats really know how to get our blood pressure up, don't they? I'm so glad Oni made it home safely!!!

Chris Elliott

Savannah Super Cat
A breakthrough in cat relations! Ziggy is curled up on the couch between us. Oni jumped down with Ziggy and, instead of growling or running away, she started cleaning him. Now, she's given Ziggy and Jax licks before, but it's always been a couple at most, followed usually by noise and fury (well a bat or two) from Oni. This lasted minutes, and she's curled up between us now as well, and I have photo evidence:
Notice Ziggy's ruffled neck fur in the foreground.

It's been a long road, and it's so great to see them doing so well!


Staff member
Those special moments may be lost on most, but brings tears to my eyes - precious!!!

Chris Elliott

Savannah Super Cat
More photo evidence:
Oni left for a bit, but then came back and curled up right next to Ziggy. Ziggy looked up and then put his head down with his nose in her fur.


Staff member
Chris that is wonderful to hear and see! How long has it been again? Seems like Oni has had a major breakthrough