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question about taking my cat outdoors


Savannah Super Cat
How long did it take you to harness train your cats? Any advice? I put Jengo's harness on today and he is now hiding under the bed pouting.


Staff member
It took 20 minutes but I didn't follow the approach most use -- getting cat used to jacket then leash, etc. I put on the jacket & leash, picked up the kitten, plopped him down in the backyard and before he realized what happened a bird flew by and that was that. I let him run around the yard on leash for a day or two before I look him on real walks. To get him to walk properly rather than careen around like someone having an LSD flashback (not that I know anything about that), I used a laser light or feather wand. He'd follow that down the sidewalk and it didn't take but 2 tries before he caught on.


Staff member
How long did it take you to harness train your cats? Any advice? I put Jengo's harness on today and he is now hiding under the bed pouting.

I put Taj's leash and harness on a few days in a row to get him used to it at 4 months old..he has been walking outside since....but we did have some mishaps along the way...


Savannah Super Cat
I started all of mine when they were young. Razi used to jog with me as a youngster. Here is a pic of Chuju on a hike with me in Coarsegold where I used to live. It was easy to train them there, because there was so much to see outside, they forgot about the harness.



Staff member
That's a beautiful picture, jacq...right nope it is 73 degrees in NJ and Taj is howling to go out....I took Zuri out a couple of days ago and now she tries to open the from door :confused: