Savannah Cat Chat - THE Place for Savannah Cat Talk

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Taking Savannahs Camping.


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Our Savannah's are to independent to be on a leash , our female went into attack mode when we put a walking jacket on her, our male has his own idea of a walk, if I choose the route I drag him , if I give him a free leash it's off to the woods through every brier thicket and under every log that he can find . Lesley in post 8 tells it as it is in real life , I like the outdoors also and just looking at a Savannah cat you can see it's wild past life and last summer we gave our Savannah's some of their wild past back with a outside enclosure 25 x30 planted with thick ground cover and a pond, the 2 Savannah cats also like the outdoors and I know they are safe in their outside world.

Brigitte Cowell

Staff member
I think everyone has given you great advice... maybe you can work out how to make an enclosure (temporary or otherwise) work up there and thus allow them outside time in a safe way when you cannot be with a leash in your hand. I also don't like the idea of a tie-out for a cat...


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Thanks Patti, I will give one of our Savannahs a pet from you, as I write this post our male Savannah has jumped to the back of my chair and is trying to rub heads ,as I lean forward his goal is to slide down the back of the chair and push me out, I think he want's to join facebook from my PC.