VPI seems only great in the preventative side of things to me, I have ben a trupanion die-hard since geting it on our Great Dane because they covered everyhting, including hipdysplasia. Low and behold, Gypsy our odg, slipped down some icey stairs as a puppy and danes need to grow so they had to reset her leg every two weeks under anesthesia -hates men now unfortunately with a vets deep voice- but came out of it great after many casts, general anesthesia, x-rays, broke it right below the knee almost missble on an xray but serious, and meds and even covered a special diet I believe at the time during hopsitalization which they covered tha too-anyhting from the injury was covered. Though we had her on raw but still.... they paid almost 10K out after all was said and done ATLEAST( and my vet was very inexpensive compared to other local vets) and 90% was paid quickly, my vet was a champ and didnt require upfront since he worked with them a lot and we had a close client/dr. relationship for yrs, and I think we had only a 50$ deductible.
After the first deductible of 50.00, Trupanion pays out for the same injury, meaning it isn't deductible after deductible for the injuries lifetime. They rock! That is all I have to say! She was is a harlequin great dane and beautiful and another home could have never afforded that likely. Sadly we know what some would have done :/ BUT for us, it was a no-brainer. Pet insurance like that is simply a blessing! I would always recommend them over VPI anyday. They seem to keep covering and covering new things others wont too. I'd rather it not cover vaccines like VPI does because thats our responsibility and to cover what it is really meant for. They even paid for my vet to do home visits when she got too scared to go in! It was awesome with Trupanion.

We Love Trupanion!

I'll be enrolling Nala with a higher deductible slightly since she isn't as much at risk as Gypsy was but still, Trupanion rocks!