Savannah Cat Chat - THE Place for Savannah Cat Talk

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watering eye


Site Supporter
We have noticed that Jax's right eye has started watering a lot the last week. No buggers or anything. Is this something to worry about?


Site Supporter
Doesn't seem to bother him any. He let's Rhonda wipe it and his eye itself looks fine. We're in Illinois and the allergies are really bad as we're in the middle of harvest.


Staff member
Take him to the vet if it gets worse. It could be environmental, the beginning of an upper respiratory infection or a scratch along with a myriad of other things. He's probably got some adult teeth coming in and that could be a factor.


Site Supporter
Thanks ladies,,,,,he's 18 weeks old and is chewing on every thing so it could be teething. We'll keep an eye on it.


Staff member
I would also take him to the vet if it doesn't clear up. It may be as simple as teething, or it could be the beginnings of an infection and if that is the case you want to treat it before it gets worse.