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Adding Another

Brigitte Cowell

Staff member
I think that if you give the next kitty a similar sounding name then you run the risk of them not distinguishing them and so you would get both when you called either name...and when you are scolding they won't understand.

I understand thinking it could be cute, but there is a disadvantage to consider...


I think that if you give the next kitty a similar sounding name then you run the risk of them not distinguishing them and so you would get both when you called either name...and when you are scolding they won't understand.

I understand thinking it could be cute, but there is a disadvantage to consider...

Yes. This reinforces my suspicions.
If I DO get another, maybe I'll call him SUE, like Johnny Cash sang about. Nah, maybe not because he might grow up to be TOO mean and mutilate poor Louie and me.:big grin:

SV Dad

Savannah Super Cat
Thanks Rascal. One "concern" is that I may no longer have Lou's undivided attention and we will lose some of our closeness. Another is that he might feel "jealous", or, in the case of a feline, "insulted".:):big grin:
I hear you on this, and that did happen with Rascal. Mayhem came onboard and Rascal went into a funk for about a year. He's back to his old self, if not better than ever now. They learn to have their own style with you.


Site Supporter
Similar but not too simliar would work. All my cats have had a special nickname that ended with the "ee" sound and they always responded best to this nickname. (Thimbu was Thimby, Mandu was Mandy, etc.) I always thought that it was simply because when I used it, the cats knew that all was good and that something good (like a treat) was coming their way. It turns out that studies have shown that cats respond best to names that end with the "ee" sound. So maybe Johnny or something along those lines where the first sylable is very different sounding.


Staff member
I think as long as your cats/kittens are altered and you introduce the new Savannah while still a kitten it really won't matter what gender they are. As for the bond, I have a multi-cat family and the bonds between me and my babies has never faltered or changed. I also have cats with similar sounding names - some of my cats know their names, some choose to pretend they don't, but those who respond to them don't seem to get mixed up with other similar sounding names, at least not that I've noticed, but usually I'm looking at them when I am talking to them so they know who I am addressing.

The Kasbah

Just remember that some people have stated that females can be a bit more aloof and independent than males, regardless of generation.
In my experience, INTACT females are more aloof, but altered pets are basically sexless, so gender makes little difference provided that they are spayed/neutered in a timely fashion.