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Digging at carpet at doors that need to remain closed


Staff member
I'm sure given the opportunity she would go after a skunk or a coon. You can put the toilet paper in the cabinet or in a Tupperware container so that she can't get to it.


Loyal Servant
So far, sccat can downstairs is blocking all nosey felines and Isis from digging at the carpet. She will even avoid chasing her spongey balls for fetch if it lands in the immediate area around the can.

Upstairs is still a struggle, blocking off the guest bedroom door during the night and when not at home. It's just carpet there. I don't want to place a can here too because they will completely avoid that room and attention from my brother for pets and love in the afternoon.

I don't lock her in the bathroom, instead I keep the place locked up except for 2 in crack in two windows out of feline reach downstairs and 2 in cracks in the upstairs windows. It gets warmer then I like by blocking the breeze, but they can't force their way out any longer. It's now a prison. The A/C is helpful in a pinch for warmer nights in the master bedroom... with 300+ sq ft and 14ft ceilings on the 2nd floor with no ventilation it can get a bit warm even for the mild summers!