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Digging at carpet at doors that need to remain closed


Loyal Servant
Tore thorough the screen and two cats missing. She is going to have to get placed back with the breeder or remain an outdoor cat. There is nothing there but the outside I know for a fact. She turned into an ashore cat since slipping out.


Chirps & Massive Headbutts
The white tuft you see of carpet backing was actually created by the cat of the previous tenant who didn't discipline or entertain their feline.

Both my SV's, one in particular, love to pull carpet strands out! I vacuum up a few every week or used to at least. Another reason I will go all tile eventually (or probably).


Loyal Servant
And they are back, all peaches and cream and headbutts. Our coons and skunks go on the roof the foundation entrance is sealed behind a room critters can't get to. I have no AC being in Santa Barbara so the windows have to be secure and the patio remaining shut. AC upstairs is already going in on Tuesday and my bedroom door with cat door already replaced the old door so they can get in get out. I like it cold my brother likes it warm. Very unhappy right now. Next she will attack a window screen before the damn AC gets installed and leap from 2nd story. Damn it all to hell. And I am sleeping 3-4 hours a night as it is, asshole cat.


Loyal Servant
Barely finished her meal, rare, she went right back to digging in front of me and I scolded her freaked out my two male before I could secure a large blocking object on the rug. Ahhhhh have to work now. Grumbles.

John Popp

Site Supporter
I concur with Patti on the ScatMats. I have a collection of them and use them when NO and scruffing don't work. I can remove them and it will be weeks or months before they figure out they're gone. They'll also keep a good distance from them although Chongo has figured out that in many instances he can just jump over them if there is a place to land.


Loyal Servant
I have a sccccat can coming from Amazon arriving on Tuesday with a collection of other things. Pesticides vs fleas with professional backpack+wand dispenser, air conditioning support brackets, and misc stuff. I would need to pick up multiple mats to keep in front of the screen doors. If the can placed in front of the screen doesn't do the trick, a more perm solution like the mats will be considered. Have you felt the jolt it provides and will they sometimes choose not to react immediately? I feel it would be too weak for her, she has an extremely high tolerance to discipline. ;)


Staff member
Both scatmats and sss cans work.

Sunny, i know you are aggravated and sleep deprived, but getting angry at her and throwing things may make it worse.

She is a cat...and obviously on a mission. Can you replace the carpet with vinyl tiles? Your landlord would probably allow it.

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2


Loyal Servant
Thanks for listening to me vent, it has been a trying couple of months where even my presence on the board was shut off. I'm just finally starting to tackle first world problems before this happens so I am at a weak point for will power and clear thinking. My "love Nug" is well pampered and those gorgeous green eyes looking at me for headbutts and paws curling in anticipation win me back so easily.

Something bad was bound to happen with her personality besides the nips so I need to roll with it.


Staff member
You also need to replace your screens if possible with pet safe screening - it is much heavier and can usually resist a Savannah's attacks on it. Are you able to lock her in a room, e.g., a bathroom while you're not at home?


Loyal Servant
I suppose I could lock her in the master bath, it's big enough (120sq ft, 15x8) and make sure the window is shut there. Here's a pic of the window perch installed.


I'd have to hide their toothbrush and mine. She knows exactly where that is and likes to show me every morning/evening when I brush mine. And I suppose the cleaners and such. She might take to going after toliet paper but that's far preferable to breaking things, getting fleas, getting in fights, or worse. I wonder if she would be brave or crazy enough to go after a skunk or coon.