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Male cat urinary blockage


Staff member
Good post Dantes, thanks. There is the chance that Mokkun isn't tolerating a multi-cat environment which could be the source of stress. Perhaps regularly giving him a place of his own to chill away from the other cats would help? If it is multi-cat stress maybe it's just one of the other cats contributing to the issue?

Good luck Sean. Hugs to you and you Mokkun.


Staff member
You've gotten a lot of good advice here today so I have nothing to add except that I will be keeping my fingers crossed that you will find a permanent solution to his problems. Please keep us posted!


He has been over grooming about a year now. It started with Bella chewing his whiskers off.
She thinks he is her kitten and over does it. Tetsu won't put up with it. Mokkun likes to be
groomed and lets her do it. Now it's him doing it.

I also wanted to mention that my Dante gets stressed sometimes if you touch him. Really. He'd absolutely freak if Duma started chewing his whiskers off. Mokkun definitely sounds stressed. (Mine do groom each other, dante has this strange habit of wet-grooming so when he's done you can totally see it and duma is wet to the touch lol)


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Well the Vet was over booked so I made an appointment. He is getting his caned food
plus some added filtered water and let it sit so all the water is absorbed into the
pate. I will also talk to the vet about stress.
I'll post after the visit



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Well we went to see Dr Dill today and Tetsu acted like the he cat he is
and no problems with the shots. That done next was my problem child.
Mokkun got the full checkup. Temp was good and he was a good boy
and he even got some good news. He gets some raw chicken starting tonight.
and then after about 3 more weeks gets to say good by to the Rx food and
go 100% raw. Now on his chewing he is going to get a new pill to ajust
his stress level and then see how he does in a few weeks. Dr was a bit
worried about the weight as much as I am. So I will have to keep an eye on him.
Other than that he was happy with both cats and even said that they are well behaved
and hansom. Bella goes in about 2 weeks for her rabies shot and a nail trim.
The nail trim will most likely be the problem. I was joking when I asked if I
should bring some welding gloves. Does the cat calm spray really work?
If it does what one would be the best to use first time to the vet?
Her former home used to take her to the vet to have the claws trimed
and I have found that she does not like to be trimed. I think that maybe she had a bad
experience with it at some point. I would like to make this easy on her and get her to let me
do it at home.



This is what I do to trim Duma's nails:


Congrats on finding a vet that approves of a raw diet! I'm impressed.

Not sure what you're giving for stress, but IMO I wouldn't want to give prozac long term. I'd start with getting this, which is supposed to promote a multicat household harmony, as well as reducing stress:

(this is the same thing, different brand, $2 cheaper)

I also might try something like this (rather than prozac):

This for the bully:
and this for the stressed baby: or this:

There's also the infamous Bach's Flower essences that are more generic (and you can take them yourself lol)

Just suggestions. Different people have different thoughts on homeopathic remedies. They work for Dante, and that's all the proof I need. I'm just glad that as of today I still have a choice. Tomorrow I might not have that choice anymore.


Staff member
You can also try something like nutricalm, which works really well and is herbal.

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I forget the name but it's not prozac and one of it's side effects is an increase in urine output .
He will be getting a lower does. This is do to the damage he is doing to his skin and he is also
over cleaning his parts and Dr does not want to have to deal with any scaring.

He got his chicken dinner. Tetsu got some too. Talk about perk up after. I think about 2 hours later
he wanted to play more than I have seen in a few weeks. The funny thing is it was still a tiny bit
frozen and they both still chowed it down. Tetsu does not like his food cold.
The boys do't really respond to the pins. Bella is another story she becomes a limp sack of
potatoes. But tyr to clip her nails and she shakes it off and leaves the room. So something
happened to her at one point. I think.



Staff member
I'm glad to hear that everything went well at the vet check. I've never heard of cat calm spray, is that the same as Feliway? If so, I have had differing results with it depending on the cat - some respond well and others not at all.