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Male cat urinary blockage


Site Supporter
If I understand what I was told it is amitriptyline.
The key is getting him to stop chewing on himself.
I'll have the Rx in the afternoon and will report back.


John Popp

Site Supporter
It's likely going to take a few days for it to build up in his system and prudent to keep a careful eye on how he is doing with the medication. You certainly don't want to have any compounded issues and a good idea to read up on the potential side effects.


Then you'll know that the drug you said your dr prescribed for your kitty is similar to Prozac, it's an older-style anti-depressant. Short term, fine, but I wouldn't want to keep my babies drugged long term.

John Popp

Site Supporter
Be it cats or people I do look up all meds. That is why my personal Dr got 2 of the meds he tried to give
me handed back to him.


Yep, know how that goes! Had a single episode grand mal seizure 10 or so years ago. A battery of tests and a sleep study that revealed nothing. They wanted to dope me up with anti-seizure meds which I declined. When I was told I wouldn't be able to drive for a year, I said OK and the Doctor cocked his head and gave me the puppy "hmmmmm". Totally sucked, ruined much of my social life, but after 9 months he finally confessed he didn't believe I would have another seizure. The crazy part is if I actually had epilepsy, medication isn't a cure, it just negates the chance of seizure.



Site Supporter
One of the bigger reasons I went wit this one over Prozac is it has a lower
strength and he will be on a does for a smaller cat.
My Dr still wants me on a statin. I say Not no way and no how will I ever
try it again. You know on the adds on TV where they say "If you experience
muscle weakness, Shoulder pain....... well I got both and this Dr keeps
trying to push a new statin. I would change Dr if I could at this point but I can't.
Anyway Mokkun is very happy with the raw food back and that is what really matters.

Anyone have some info on how much chicken to feed a 12.5 Lb Savannah? He is still 00
getting 2/3 of a can of the SD and NO kibble at all.


SV Dad

Savannah Super Cat
Then you'll know that the drug you said your dr prescribed for your kitty is similar to Prozac, it's an older-style anti-depressant. Short term, fine, but I wouldn't want to keep my babies drugged long term.
FYI, It's not an SSRI (Prozac category). It is a tricyclic (amitriptyline). Whole bunch of different effects / side effects.


Sorry, you're right, but I already admitted to not being a doctor ;) Glad we have one in-house :D

Still, it is an antidepressant with plenty of side effects, I personally wouldn't want to drug my babies for the rest of their lives. :-/


Staff member
Sometimes drugs are a necessary evil. Sean follow your vets advice for now and then perhaps look into alternative therapies.

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