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My f3 male Savannah, 9 months, is sick with upset stomach


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Late last January our 2 year old F2 Aspen became sick ,he was throwing up and would not eat and his droppings in the litter box were black,small and hard, I took him to his Vet and she said he has pancreatitis and she gave him a appetite stimulant and a anti nausea med. and she hydrated him but days later Aspen was still sick but fortunately Aspen has a excellent breeder and I called her and she recommended a blood panel,x ray and ultra sound test, Aspen's backup Vet was not in the day of his appointment but another Vet examined Aspen and ran the blood panel,x ray and ultra sound and she hydrated him and treated him for pancreatitis ,day's later Aspen is not getting better and is losing weight and it is Saturday morning and I take Aspen to Metro Animal hospital in Copley Ohio with his test reports from the last Vet visit and Metro tell's me, We do our own testing go home and we will call you, that afternoon I got the call, Aspen is dehydrated and it looks like Aspen has a obstruction in his large intestine, we can operate now or hydrate him over night and retest in the morning to be sure, I chose the retest in the morning option and got the call Sunday morning Aspen needs surgery. Aspen is very playful and active and had many stuffed cat toy's to bat around and that is what got him, now Aspen has no stuffed cat toys, here is the stuffing the Vet took out of Aspen DSCN4195.JPG DSCN4206.JPG DSCN4197.JPG DSCN4202.JPG Aspen is back to normal now but he went through a lot of suffering with the operation, Aspen's Vet bill was $5100. DSCN3504.JPG


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Oh my goodness , thankfully the vets found the offending object and Aspen is on the road to recovery, that could have been very nasty, well done for your persistence in getting the vet care that was needed.
ive recently threw all Franco and Vitos stuffed toys out as they have a habit of shredding them and it really isnt worth the risk of them swallowing the wadding stuff thats inside.