Savannah Cat Chat - THE Place for Savannah Cat Talk

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Savannahs and Children


MK Anderson

So I'm curious as to YOUR experiences with your Savannahs and your kids...

Do you find the breed is a good one for children? Do you think generation matters? Or do you think a well behaved kid with a well socialized Savannah will usually be a decent match?

In MY EXPERIENCE- and I come from a ten year rescue background that included taming some ferals- I think a well socialized Savannah, of any generation, as a spay/neuter will probably do okay in a home with kids that are cat-knowledgeable. I know some breeders do not think F1s should live in a house with kids, but I think (for me) it would be a case by case decision. DOES the home have cat experience? Is it experience with higher energy kitties or Persian-type kitties? Etc.

Share your Savannah and kids experiences! Pictures are a bonus!
Love that picture, Trish!!!

MK Anderson

my f5 sv gets "along" with my son, not at well as my bengals, but she tolerates him just fine, i little over dramatic about it when he tries to handle her, but trust me she could get away if she wanted to! As for children older than my 2 year old, she gets along with them really well. She will fall asleep on them and follow them around (probably waiting for food to fall!)

my f2 on the other hand will not go near my son at all, we got her when she was a year and shes been a very... troubled... cat. shes a story in herself. She wont allow my son to get within 5 feet of her without her.

here is a picture of my son and my bengal boy gatti, hes the sweetest most docile thing on earth View attachment 29
OMG! That's precious :)


Staff member
Thanks Trish, over all the years I've had Savannahs it remains one of my favorites! :)

Michelle Anderson

Savannah Super Cat
My youngest little girl is only 2, and Shyla was very skiddish around her at first..........but now she plays with her! I just have to watch sometimes, as Shyla like to give her "love bites"