Savannah Cat Chat - THE Place for Savannah Cat Talk

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Staff member
Don't you have any local pet store that carries Feline Pine or similar? I get my wood pellets from a feed and tack shop (horse stall bedding) for $7 per 40lbs.


Savannah Super Cat
Don't you have any local pet store that carries Feline Pine or similar? I get my wood pellets from a feed and tack shop (horse stall bedding) for $7 per 40lbs.

Unfortunately no, I've been to 3 different pet stores and checked the website of the main large pet store chain. I'm going to try sWheat Scoop or WBCL. They're almost the same price per pound (26c difference compared to the green bag of WBCL) so I'm not sure which one to pick. I went to a pet store and got the sWheat Scoop because they didn't have the regular WBCL, but now I'm reconsidering since they're much more similar in price than I thought. I know the sWheat Scoop got the reputation of being dusty lately, but there's a window on the bag and it seems to be fine. I could return/exchange since I didn't open the bag yet.


Staff member
I have heard a bad report about Swheat Scoop (clumping in the stomach causing an obstruction) - of course it is only one anecdotal story but I have always avoided it.


Savannah Super Cat
I have heard a bad report about Swheat Scoop (clumping in the stomach causing an obstruction) - of course it is only one anecdotal story but I have always avoided it.

I ended up returning the sWheat Scoop. I got ExquisiCat pine cobble litter instead from PetSmart. I also got her some regular clay litter to transition her. :)

I'm so excited, 3 more days after today!


Savannah Super Cat
WooHoo!!! Any updated photos to tide us over in the meantime???

Sorry for not replying for so long, I was moving and had no internet connection!

The little Sagira did wonderfully from the evening we got her. She's extremely adaptable: no issues with food or litter changes, meeting new people or going to new places, and even long car rides! She adopted us quickly and soon started to sleep with and on us. Last night, she slept on me for a good 8 hours and complained every time I shifted my position or had to move her because my side hurt too much haha!

The only thing I'm worried about is consistently soft feces and a bit of sneezing (no discharge at the eyes or nose, just a very thin layer of white at the nose that makes me think of allergies or winter nose issues). For now I'm blaming the environment and food change plus lots of dust with the move, but if it gets worse, I'll go see the vet.

I tried to attach pictures but the bar stays stuck at 100% and nothing happens. :(


Staff member
As a precaution, have your vet do a fecal PCR to ensure she's parasite-free. The pictures won't load if they're too big so you probably need to crop them.


Savannah Super Cat
As a precaution, have your vet do a fecal PCR to ensure she's parasite-free. The pictures won't load if they're too big so you probably need to crop them.

She still needs her 3rd dewormer so that could be it. She's scheduled to get it on Sept 15th, so if it doesn't get better after that, I'll definitely look into it more.

The pictures were just from my phone but I can reduce them and try again. :)


Savannah Super Cat
The first image was from the 2 hour car ride home from the breeder. She was using the stuffed lamb as a pillow in her carrier. :3 She accepted the harness surprisingly well after having a bit of an initial freak out.
The 4th is also in the car. She actually gets upset when the car is turned off and/or the music stops playing. Car equals sleepy time to her!

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