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The African Serval

Per Lausund

Staff member
Mind you, declawing will not reduce the force of a good serval slap!
Seriously, please forego the amputation. Even a wild caught Serval will hesitate to use its claws against you, but it may hit you anyway if you´re too close or threatening its zone of comfort. But do not cut or lase off parts of fingers and toes (see where your own nails start), its inhumane.


Savannah Super Cat
It is so stange for me to read this about declawing a serval. I would never thought about doing suck a thing to an animal.
Can certainly change the animal behaviour to insecurity, sometime depression and cause ghost itching and pain to the toes because nerves are being cut also. Ask someone who lost a finger.
I would really love to know who this breeder is that is willing to sell a serval to ... well I'll be nice. Point being I would call up this poor excuse of a breeder that sells servals with out a clause in the contract that forbids the declawing of the said pet.

I despise the pet owner if they should make the decision to continue with declawing, but there aren't words strong enough for me to express how I feel about the breeder ... pet owners have a certain level of responsibility. Pet breeders have that level and then some ...

I wouldn't wish harm on anyone, but a small part of me hopes this clown gets abducted by aliens and has his fingers and toes amputated ... DOH ... did I say that.

Brigitte Cowell

Staff member
Yes, please, keep it civil!

Also, be aware that although we in the companion animal world generally disapprove of declaw... it is common I believe in the exotic cat world. At least that is what I have gathered from my time spent in those email groups. It's not something I could ever do to one of mine, and it is forbidden not only for my kittens but those we adopt out via Savannah Rescue (of course we do get cats surrendered that are already declawed)... but thought I'd point out that the exotic cat group has a different take on this issue.


Sorry but I had a vision of a castle with castrated servants and geisha with boxed feet. If that is the case, carry on, I suppose. :(

MK Anderson

I agree, keep it civil! this is always a topic that gets heated! I'm not a fan of declawing and would not do it. But everyone is entitled to their option....They're are some breeder that do allow and will plead their case on the issue. I'm thinking they're not on this group tho.
Yes, please, keep it civil!

Also, be aware that although we in the companion animal world generally disapprove of declaw... it is common I believe in the exotic cat world. At least that is what I have gathered from my time spent in those email groups. It's not something I could ever do to one of mine, and it is forbidden not only for my kittens but those we adopt out via Savannah Rescue (of course we do get cats surrendered that are already declawed)... but thought I'd point out that the exotic cat group has a different take on this issue.

The conceipt of human kind ... I'm not arguing with you Brigitte, I think the practic is barbaric and quite frankly I'm ashamed that anyone for any reason would willfully cause harm to another life form ... I won't say any more.