Savannah Cat Chat - THE Place for Savannah Cat Talk

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Do you allow your SV into the bathroom?


Savannah Super Cat
We will be adding an F2 male SV kitten the end of May. We are discussing options. I originally wanted a dog door in the bathroom door (big enough for him - small enough to keep out my dog) where his litterbox and food would be. But with our Canada Lynx - she was never allowed in the bathroom due to destroying toilet paper and knocking over our shelf. What behavior does your SV have in the bathroom? Thanks !

-Being owned by a feline builds character & teaches selflessness, patience, cleverness and joy


Savannah Super Cat

-Being owned by a feline builds character & teaches selflessness, patience, cleverness and joy


Savannah Super Cat
Thanks Witchy! Just posted pics of our girl Fierca :)

-Being owned by a feline builds character & teaches selflessness, patience, cleverness and joy


Savannah Super Cat
We had a contract with ZooMontana. We had worked with Montana Fish & Wildlife rehabilitating wild animals. The zoo wanted a lynx trained for education. So we had her until she was a little over 2 years old. Training her, exposing her, and much more. Then she went to them as their Lynx Ambassador and lives an amazing and fulfilling life there! When we return to MT we always visit her and they keep us updated all the time. They were very impressed with how she turned out! LOTS of work - but we loved it

-Being owned by a feline builds character & teaches selflessness, patience, cleverness and joy


Staff member
That's awesome and quite an honor. In my wildlife rehab days I worked with cougar and bobcat every now and then but primarily rehabbed birds of prey.


Savannah Super Cat
That's awesome! Here she is in her new home - with her new trainer. I love the updates but they also break by heart!

-Being owned by a feline builds character & teaches selflessness, patience, cleverness and joy