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Need opinions. Kind of bummed out


and his servant, Paul
My $.02 on the situation.

$3500 is a steal for a F2 SV of any sex, and from what I can recall, about what a F3 normally costs. If I had the space for another SV, I would be sending you a PM to figure out who the breeder is so I can steal her out from under you.
$300 is highway robbery for a F3...even if his nose isn't perfect.
Yes, males are traditionally larger than females. But I'm betting a large female would be about the same size as an average male.

In my opinion, the agreed on price sounds so incredibly low that the odds of you finding another F2 SV for that price (if you demand a refund) is close to nil. And this breeder, if you ask for the refund, will most likely refuse the sale of any future kittens to you. I'm certain her informal understanding for your F3 purchase was that it was a companion purchase to a F2...whether or not it was in writing.

Alex and Katie

Savannah Super Cat
I understand that I won't be finding another f2 me for 3500 dollars but I would rather pay more for something and get what my heart was set on then settle for something that I did not agree to buy. As people have said this is a 15+ year relationship/commitment and I don't want to have any regrets that could have been solved by spending an extra 1500 dollars or so


Staff member
Now that your decision is made, I hope you find the right kitten for you soon. Patience is not a virtue I possess and I remember how difficult it was waiting for a litter to be born, waiting to see if any were males, and then the excruciating wait until the kitten was old enough to come home.

Per Lausund

Staff member
Wish you luck, though I must admit what you have is really a luxury problem. But, as has been said, you know best which cat you want, and the breeder will probably be happy to get out of a 3500 USD contact on an F2 female! Which would probably make a wonderful addition to your household... and size is a toss of the die.


Savannah Super Cat
I do think you could have a larger boy than a girl, but no one ever knows. The price you got them for is a steal though really. You were lucky to find a breeder with those prices so that's great :) just out of curiosity, are you from new York? Just based upon your name I'm just questioning since new York ( to my knowledge) isn't fond of SVs.

Also is it possible that you would discuss with the breeder on waiting for another litter?

Alex and Katie

Savannah Super Cat
From new York yea but the animals are all in northern NJ.... Just a username. I will discuss with her waiting for another litter when I see we next weekend yes.

Lori Greer

Cahaba Cats
The pet price for an F2 - male or female - should be the same, so if you ask for a refund it is not because your F2 is not worth what she was sold for, but because the breeder made an error in sexing her (btw have you confirmed this yourself?). I think it all depends on what your contract says - you can ask for a refund because you didn't get what you were paying for. On the other hand, unless otherwise stipulated in the contract the breeder would be perfectly in her right to then ask you to return the cat for refund. I'm sure she would think it is not quite fair to her for you to get a refund and keep the merchandise when she would be able to turn around and sell the same cat for the same price to someone else. If returning her is unacceptable to you, then you will just have to try to work out a compromise with the breeder and hope for the best. I do believe that there should be compensation for her error, but it will most likely have to be up to the two of you to workout together what that will be.

I think there is some confusion... there are 2 cats involved. They are not expecting to keep either kitten for free.


Yea I'm thinking I'm going to ask for a refund on my deposit an continue lookin for an F2 male. I know size isn't guaranteed but it sounds like better odds for sure. Thanks!
Why don't you ask to be placed on a waiting list for the first Female F2 born and have pick of the litter? I would hold my spot if I were you. That price is beyond rare for that level. The choice is yours to do as you wish with your money. Good luck and hope your fur babies will be great and what you are looking for.

Alex and Katie

Savannah Super Cat
No not expecting to keep a cat for free Kovu who we brought home already is paid for and aside from the scar across his nose from
Being in a fight he has a very noticible head shake/wobble which the vet said could Have been brain trauma from the injury. Could be a case of cerrebeller hypoplasia. Does not affect him When he is moving around or playing but when he stops to look around or focus on something there is a very noticible wobble. Almost like he's dizzy. He's definitely a little slow but we knew that when we got him and we love him to death nonetheless. I would just be very upset if the breeder tried to tell us that to get a refund back would involve giving him back. I will be going next weekend to check on the female who I made a deposit on under te pretense that she is male. For all i know i will love her and take her. I emailed te breeder to express my concerns and did not make any demands or accusations but simply said that i need to come see her and make a decision in person. For everyone who keeps telling me how good of a deal 3500 is regardless of if it's male or female, it's really not about the deal i was getting. If you're spending that kind of money on something you should be getting what you were expecting. Even with breeding rights i would still have her spayed as I am not looking to breed Savannah's nor do i have a stud even if I were. I was blown away when she told me she had a great looking male for 3500 and I put down a 50% deposit on the kitten within 5 minutes of seeing it. I have 2 very large playful dogs and tbh one of the bigger pros of a large male savannah would be its potential ability to hold its own during playtime with a 70 pound dog because while the dogs are very gentle with small critters and creatures, when prompted to play rough as I've seen many Savannah's like to do, they get very excited and i wouldn't want anyone to get hurt during playtime.