Hello everyone. Just wanted to give an update on my situation which has finally been all ironed out. Long story short I somewhat got things figured out with my local breeder, and decided not to bring home her F2 female (which was supposed to be a male) and received a partial refund on my deposit. After looking around at available F2 males the past few weeks I had settled on three breeders who had males and in the end it all came down to my impatience (and cost I guess). Two of the litters were just born and would not be ready until the end of November. SO at the end of the week we welcomed home to our house in NJ an 11.5 week old F2 Male who we named Zuri (we had selected Zuri as the name for whoever we brought home). The breeder is Shelley Ross in TX who runs a cattery called African Spot Savannahs. It was her first ever little of F2's but after much talk with my better half and tons of correspondence with shelley we decided to go with her baby. She has been nothing but helpful and I would highly recommend her to anyone looking for an F2 in the future. Let me start off my saying holy moly. We had brought our F3 kovu home about 6 weeks ago when he was 15 weeks and WOW what a difference a generation makes. Now Kovu is THE ultimate cuddle bunny. he LOVES to be held and cuddled and has just about the best temperament ive ever seen in a new furry family member.
So zuri comes home thursday afternoon and right off the bat you can tell hes different. First of all, hes GORGEOUS. not that Kovu isnt ADORABLE but Zuri is like....mythical.....magical....he just looks the part. He spent the first 12 hours or so home trying to find the best hiding places in the bedroom (to the point where I was convinced he had found a way out more than once) but after that something clicked. in just two short days he has become OBSESSED with me. I woke up on saturday morning to find him snuggled up in between my legs with his head on my crotch just staring at me as if to say "daddd....get up....i want to play". My observations about Zuri that I have been so astounded with so far are as follows. First, his size. He weighs 5 pounds at barely 3 months. Our F3 kovu is 21-22 weeks and about half a pound heavier but MUCH shorter in both length and height. Zuri looks like a smaller full grown cat at under 3 months of age. Hes SO tall and lanky. ive yet to introduce Zuri to anyone so I dont have any pics comparing size, but Kovu just looks teeny weeny after spending a few hours with Zuri and hes more than 2x his age. We went to visit with our local breeder to meet the F2 female before we made a decision, and she was born on July 4th (to Zuri's June 29th) and she couldnt have weighed more than a pound or two. Her markings were stunning (golden spotted, amazing Ocelli) but just so small compared to almost the same age Zuri. Second, the chirping. Kovu is the king of the meow. ive head meows from kovu that ive never heard any animal make. Zuri has yet to meow. He just chirps non stop. when you come in, when youre playing, when i leave the bedroom. Just high pitched non stop chirping and squeaking. its THE most adorable sound ive ever heard. Third is the kneading. It never stops. He kneads while hes laying down, while hes standing up, while hes headbutting me. his front paws NEVER stop moving. He just marches around everywhere he goes, its to die for. I find myself singing "the ants go marching one by one" everytime i look at him hes just TOO funny. Kovu has yet to knead and to be honest after reading about SV kneading on this forum I had been very excited to see it in person. The wait was certainly worth it. Now unlike Kovu who will sit in your arms for hours on end, Zuri is not a fan of being held, at least not for more than 10 seconds or so. Im hoping this will change as he continues to warm up but I wont hold him to it as I know that the earlier the generation the less likely they are to want to be held. I consider myself very lucky that our F3 Kovu is so tolerant of our snuggles. I have attached some pictures of Zuri from this weekend for your viewing pleasure. I wish they did him justice. When i saw him in pictures from Shelley before he came home I thought he was beautiful, but pictures just dont do these guys justice (as im sure you all know). Sorry about some of them being sideways I cant figure out how to get them to insert right ways up.