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Spay incision question. Pics added.


Savannah Super Cat
Any magic tricks on getting her to take the pill? :) Per the rescue, she loves bread. I took a tiny piece, smooshed it in a ball & stuck the pill in there. Then rolled it around in some wet cat food. She sniffed it & then wouldn't touch it.
So then I tried the good old fashion just putting it in her mouth myself & she projectile vomited...twice. ::sigh::

I am welcoming any & all suggestions.


Staff member
I use pill pockets...put it at the back of Taj's mouth and hold it...but I make sure his head is tilted back..but if she is getting upset, I would wait a bit.
Heck yeah I would be. I'm having surgery a week from tomorrow & I'm counting on getting some good medicine after! lol It was kind of sad tho, I had to ask them for something. They didn't give her anything after her initial surgery. My mom said they don't usually prescribe pain meds for shelter/rescue animals. :'(
Sorry to hear you need surgery - don't let them put an e-collar on you!


Savannah Super Cat
Sorry to hear you need surgery - don't let them put an e-collar on you!
lol Right?! Work needs me back as soon as I can (I'm having surgery on Friday, going back on Tuesday as long as everything looks okay). Can't take good care of infants with an e-collar on! lol


I remember when my rescue dog was spayed her incision looked exactly like that, with a little pink bump. We took her in and they did the same thing with antibiotics. She turned out just fine, no further complications. What amazed me is we never were given any pain meds for her!