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The Nose Question

Brigitte Cowell

Staff member
Truth be told, I'm wavering on this kitten on whether her eyes are too small for beauty or whether she is really cool looking...

Brigitte Cowell

Staff member
She doesn't act sad! She's always one of the first running to us chirping away in the morning... and she is one of the two that purr when petted since she was 2 weeks old :)

The girls of this litter are amazingly outgoing and human-oriented. The boy is sociable but a tad lazy so only ambles out not runs full tilt like they do! LOL!

Brigitte Cowell

Staff member
Maybe ;-)

I do find the girls of the litter typically are the ones to do things first, they come out of the birthing crate first, learn how to climb on laps first (the mel girl), they are usually the ringleaders and the boys just follow their lead :)

MK Anderson

Keeba had a black nose when born and it seem darker than ever! so I don know LOL


Savannah Kitten
I have a different theory, I think the males usually are the smart ones, they like to let the girls think they are smarter and also let them explore first and report back to them :sneaky:. Just a thought lol.

Pam Flachs

Savannah Super Cat
Truth be told, I'm wavering on this kitten on whether her eyes are too small for beauty or whether she is really cool looking...

I love her eyes! I mean, they are WAY too'll never find her a home...I'll take her off your hands ;)

Seriously, I love her face :)