Savannah Cat Chat - THE Place for Savannah Cat Talk

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Enclosure for My Savannah Cats


Site Supporter
Good construction! But who'll live in this cell? Zuri? Why? How long she will stay in this construction?


Staff member
This is an enclosure for all my cats so they get some outside time...they do NOT live in it ;) They are all in the house, but I feel it important for them to get some fresh air and stimulation in a safe environment, so spent the money on this enclosure...they love it! I am going to post some pictures soon of Zuri, who loves to lie out there by herself, all stretched out :big grin:
The guy who builds the enclosures makes the shelves as well...they are very inexpensive...

You know, they don't seem to like the hammock, although, I bet Zuri would probably like it now...
I would love to know the guy's name that built the enclosure and his contact information.


Site Supporter
I love it! I am trying to convince my husband to add one! I think they will love it. I will show him the pics...see if I can sway him :)