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Enclosure for My Savannah Cats


Staff member
It is really pretty awesome, kathy! I now have no room on my deck for anything else, but...the cats come first ;) I am going to add some plants inside the enclosure...


Looks great! I bet the cats think it's purrrfect. As for the neighbors I wouldn't worry either. Actually I'd love it my neighbors did something like this instead of letting their cats run free.


Staff member
Thanks April...I know Taj would rather be walking on his leash, but at least he is still outside for a while and gets some fresh neighbors are just stuffy - LOL! I live in a development where almost everyone owns a dog - very few cats...


Site Supporter
Our enclosure from C&D is up! It took us about 3 hours or was so freaking HOT that we kept having to go inside for A/C breaks! Now we need to furnish it! The cats have visited but without shelves and perches, they are probably thinking WTF?! They were not impressed with being in an empty enclosure while hubby and I were having wine at the gazebo. LOL


Staff member
How exciting! After all the disappointment, I'm so glad you have finally gotten your enclosure!!!


Savannah Super Cat
image.jpg That's brilliant :) I think you deserved the wine! Lol! At least the cats can be outside with you now. I'm very pleased for you and am looking forward to the photos :) this was Kitoko just before falling asleep in hers yesterday and Moses who had already crashed out up on his perch! image.jpg image.jpg