Savannah Cat Chat - THE Place for Savannah Cat Talk

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needing advise

I was hoping for large but the thing that has just caught my eye is what Deborah said; They bond very closely to the "parent". This really intrigues me. That is what I miss about my last cat. I would lie down to watch tv and she'd be up in my lap or on my chest. That's what I miss the most.
You all have helped so far so I'll go to another question. What are their sleeping patterns? Is it similiar to the domestic cats or are they more outgoing more often? The idea of being woke up at 4 in the morning really doesn't excite me.
Thanks everyone I appreciate the help


Staff member
As Trish said, it just depends...kittens seem to be awake 24/7 (just kidding) need to set the boundaries...remember Savannah cats are very high energy, so I play with mine right before bedtime, which is something Marilyn, the Cat Coach, will tell you to do...I also feed them very late and they sleep all night.


Savannah Super Cat
Hello OC!

Savannah's are highly active and playful and you mentioned that you're out for most of the day since you own your own business. Would that be most of the week as well? Most small business owners I know work 10-15 hrs a week, 6 days or 7 days a week. Not sure of your situation! I was thinking if you have only one savannah they may continuously wake you up at night to play if that's really the only time they are with you after being alone all day. Hopefully there is someone else home to take care and play with the Savannah so you may have better chances of sleep at night?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought a rule of thumb was that if any animal owners who are leaving their high energy pets alone for most the day and not giving them enough attention they can become destructive? I would make sure if you get a Savannah you have enough time to play with them and give your attention in the morning and night.

The enclosure sounds like something very enjoyable! I'm surprised that within the months of research that the fact Savannah's should be indoor cats didn't come out constantly as well that higher generations (most likely bigger) will most likely not be lap cats! But I've learned on SV chat that there are plenty exceptions to the lap cat rule, so maybe I would choose a breeder that does a high level of socialization to perhaps have a higher chance of having a lap cat?

Size and temperment will never be a sure thing for kittens, perhaps you may look into getting an adult Savannah where their temperament and size is more proven. But you'd have to find a local breeder (drivable) as I find adult Savannah's do not ship well.

Trish Allearz

I think if you are gone most of the day, Happy, and no one else is home- two kittens are always better then one ;) I placed an F6 girl who was quite a handful with a great guy and he ended up bringing home another F6 kitten to keep her company within a month or two. Together, they are 'just right'. By herself, the original little girl was a bit too much for him- because she demanded his attention every second when he was home (and he'd give it- LOL- wrapped around her little paw).


Savannah Super Cat

:) even though in our family there is pretty much always someone home all days of the week, we are getting two as well! I want them to grow up with family and never be alone!

So that is definitely a good idea!


Savannah Super Cat
I lurk instead of posting 24/7 on SVchat every 2 minutes everyday on my phone and yet forgot to do that! I'll do it now with my two babies :)

end/ thread jack


Staff member
LOL!!! No worries...we just hate those blank avatars ;) Thanks for adding's an awesome one...