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i made a reservation for an f2 marble kitten (pics)


Savannah Super Cat
I think it helped.
I went 1 time to listen at night and he wasn't meoowing and he also wasn't meowing now at 6AM when i woke up.

I really feel bad about going to work now, things were going good.
But an entire week at home is a bit much.
During the day i'm gonna give him full acces to the room.


Savannah Super Cat
Yesterday he let me pet him when tired, and uses my hand as a pillow.
We also played alot together.
I thought i made a huge step but today i looks more angry then before.
Not only hiss at me but also starts growling.
Congratulations! He's beautiful! The boy sure has a good set of lungs! We were blessed with Triton; he was quiet when my husband brought him home. He did hiss, and give a few low growls, but his ears were up, not back, which indicated that he wasn't mad. It was a little startling at first, but our breeder told us as long as his ears were up, it was okay, so I didn't let him scare me, and was able to continue petting him. We were also lucky in the fact that his mother didn't have enough nipples, so he was hand-fed as a baby and used to the human touch. We spent a lot of time in the quarantine room with him, and he adjusted to us easily. I've only been slightly scratched once, and it was when he grabbed me around the ankle, to play with my house slippers. Just make sure to spend a good bit of time with him every day. Our breeder said that if you give a new kitten too much space, it will just make the bonding period all the harder. When Triton is out, racing around, he doesn't come to us right away...too busy investigating; but when he's in his room (we're still in the long introduction period with our other cats) he's a real loving boy, who wants to be touched. Hang in there! It will get better, and it is so worth it! :)


Savannah Super Cat
Oke this might sound a bit crazy but i want to take the maximum out of socializing him.
So tonight at 9.30PM when he started meowing i putted him in his cage, covered it with a blanket and i also went in the cage.

First 5 minutes he hissed alot and after that i could pet him without hissing.
After 3 hours he came lay besides me and started purring when i pet him. (first time purrsalot purred)

So i have the feeling that beeing together in little space really pays off.
I still have his food, water, litterbox, and scratching post in the crate lol.
So now after 4 hours i'm out to stretch my legs.

Here is a 12sec slow motion video of playtime :

I'm back off to my crate now. :big grin:


Staff member
Sitting in the crate with him is a great idea, as long as you are able to get some sleep too! I loved the video - looks like he is in 7th heaven playing with that wand toy :)


Staff member
Sitting in the crate with him is a great idea, as long as you are able to get some sleep too! I loved the video - looks like he is in 7th heaven :)